Saturday, October 10, 2015

Say No To Drug's

Healthy Young Generations is Generation that is totally free from drugs and illegal drugs. Some people call this drugs as NAPZA which is an acronym for narcotics, psychotropic and addictive substances. Drugs is a material / substance / drug when flowing into our body especially the brain or central nervous system, causing health problems, physical, psychological, and social functioning due to habits, addiction and dependence.

According to the entry way into the body, drug used by:

  1. Rolled and burned
  2. Smoked
  3. Drink, swallowed and inhaled
  4. Injected into the body
Recently, there is a lot of victims (especially young people) who have been trapped by drugs as a result of the occurrence of drug abuse. A person does not just experienced drug dependence, but rather gradually. The first, beginning with the experimental factor, where someone try drugs, like try smoking or drinking alcohol. Due to feel the pleasant effect, and then repeat it again and keep repeating that continued into the habituation phase to phase (dependency), which ultimately leads to overdose. Both are influenced by individual factors, in addition to kicks and try, also hope to gain pleasure from the effects of existing drugs, or to eliminate pain or discomfort is felt both pain is physical (such as patients with cancer or other diseases) or psychological, such as stress due to the breakup, bad achievement, depression, or conflicts with parents. Third, influenced by social factors as well as environmental factors. For a person who felt the hardest thing is the peer group pressure to be accepted or recognized in the group.

Drug turns a lot of negative effects, especially on young people who are not aware of the dangers of drugs, negative effects include:

  1. Habitual makes the wearer will always pictured thus tend to seek and miss. Make drug users when cured recurrence.
  2. Addictive make the wearer can not stop, the habit of drug use, because it creates a feeling of tremendous pain.
In addition to having a negative effect was still there are other effects that arise as a result of drug abuse, among others:
  1. Health effects: Disorders of the nervous system, heart function and blood vessels, skin, lungs, headache, nausea and vomiting, liver damage and difficulty sleeping. Can also be bad for reproductive health such as disorders of the reproductive function, fertility and pregnancy disorders such as defects in the fetus, infants of low birth, defects and miscarriages. High risk of transmission of HIV-AIDS on the use of drugs with a syringe.
  2. Impact of death: due to the consumption exceeds a safe dose (overdose)
  3. Social impact: the decline of achievement and performance, increasing violations of the law / crime and social problems, can destroy the future of the nation.

In general, the characteristics of someone who has been using drugs can be recognized easily by symptoms arising from a change in attitude and behavior of a person, even more generally drug use usually reclusive, afraid of the light, eyes blank, eyes and runny nose, yawn constantly, lazy bath (opiate), depression (amfetamine), seizures (in alcohol or tranquilizers), hygiene / health self Untreated, the injection in the arm / other body parts.

To prevent that we are not trapped by drugs can be started from ourselves. Therefore, the things you need to know that we always avoid drugs, among others:
  1. Never approach the drug for fun or just try.
  2. Always remember that store, use, and distribute the drug would deal with the law. Always selective in choosing friends hang out, members can choose a positive influence for ourselves.
  3. If stress, fail or get into trouble then more come closer to God and do things that are positive.
  4. Always increase faith by studying the teachings of religion.
  5. Avoid "friend who suspect" and remember that the pleasure derived from drugs is a sham and will end in disaster and death.
In general, the drugs are divided into three types, namely: narcotics, psychotropic and other addictive substances:

Narcotics are substances or drugs derived from plant or not plant either synthetic or semisintesis which can cause a decrease or alteration of consciousness, loss of taste, reduce to eliminate pain, and can lead to dependence (Law No. 22 of 1997)

Type narcotics divided into 3 groups:
  1. Narcotics Category I: is the most dangerous narcotic, addictive power is very high which causes dependence. Example: cannabis, heroin, morphine and putauw
  2. Narcotics class II: is an addictive drug that has a strong, but useful for the treatment and research. Example: pethidine, and derivatives, benzetidin, betametadol.
  3. Narcotics group III: is an addictive drug that has a mild, but can be useful for the treatment and research. Example: codeine and its derivatives.


Psychotropic substances or drugs are either natural or synthetic non narcotic, efficacious psychoactive through selective effect on the central nervous system that causes the typical changes in mental activity and behavior (Republic Act 5 of 1997)

Type psychotropic comprises:

  1. Psychotropic class I: can only be used for the benefit of science and not used in therapy as well as having very strong potential resulting dependence syndrome. (example: ecstasy, methamphetamine, LSD)
  2. Psychotropic class II: efficacious treatment and can be used in therapy, and / or purpose of science as well as having strong potential resulting dependence syndrome. (eg amphetamines, methylphenidate or Ritalin)
  3. Psychotropic group III: efficacious medication used in the treatment of untu purpose of science as well as having the potential of being lead level of dependence syndrome. (example: pentobarbital, flunitrazepam)
  4. Psychotropic Group IV: efficacious treatments used in therapy for the purpose of science as well as having the potential level of light resulting in a dependency syndrome. (Example: diazepam, bromazepam, phenobarbital, clonazepam, klordiazepoxide, nitrazepam, such as BK pills, pills Koplo, Rohip, Dum, MG)

Other addictive substances

Addictive substances are substances other than narcotics and psychotropic substances that can lead to dependence on the wearer, includes:
  1. Alcoholic beverages, containing ethanol which serves slowing down the central nervous system, slowing the motor reflexes, depress respiration heart rate and disrupt reasoning and judgment. 
  2. Inhalants (gas is inhaled) and solvents (solvents), include: glue, paint thinner, nail polish remover, gasoline, use of tobacco containing nicotine, in adolescents (penetrated) into drug abuse. 
After learning about the impact of these drugs, we should be more vigilant, cautious and aware, and never ever touch drugs simply out of curiosity or just test how it looks like.

Please remember that drug is a poison, which if once we use it we will be hard to find an antidote. Be healthy young generation with a better future without drugs. Are you ready? ............. Ok!

Say No To Drug's .............................!

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